
Betta Fish Care

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Betta fish,also known as Siamese fighting fish,are one of the most popular aquarium fishes ever known. The name, Siamese fighting fish, derived from both the male and female bettas occasional fights among the same sexes. In their natural surroundings, the weaker can always escape in defeat. However, within a tank, only the strong will survive. That's why it is not a good idea to put bettas in the same tank with each other.

Betta fish should be kept in a large tank or aquarium where they will receive plenty of heat. Make sure the water is kept clean...betta fish seem to add a good amount of water-polluting wastes to the water therefore keeping the tank clean is vital to its survival. The temperature in your aquarium should be at least 80 degrees F. This is the perfect temperature for betta fish. Many, many betta fish will starve to death if the temperature of the tank is 70 degrees F. 70 degrees F may be room temperature but it is too cool for betta fish. Therefore, a heated tank is crucial for the survival of your betta fish.

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Betta Fish Care

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Betta Fish Care

The key to healthy betta fish is a good diet. Just like us humans, betta fish that are fed well with a balanced diet are more resistant to diseases. Therefore, a diet consisting of protein, fat, fiber and vitamins will keep your betta fish happy as can be. This can be accomplished by feeding them freeze-dried food such as the flake and pellet food, brine shrimp, tubifex worms, squid, mussels, mosquito larvae and kelp. However, the healthiest betta fish prefer live food. This can be found at your local tropical fish shop. Live adult brine shrimp or live tubifex worms will give your betta fish a long, happy life.

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